Gucci Shoes Sneakers Replica Online Rubber

$133.00 $168.00
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This season, add work to launch new series of sports shoes.This sports shoes embellish the GG pattern, highlighting the strong brand identification connotation.Brand dual -G letter interweaving pattern will be renewed in each season, through more fresh and eye -catching materials


This season, add work to launch new series of sports shoes.This sports shoes embellish the GG pattern, highlighting the strong brand identification connotation.The brand dual -G letter interweaving pattern will be renewed in each season, and the charm of the collection elements is interpreted through more fresh materials and design.

The soles of the shoe are imported by Italy, environmentally friendly rubber, without special treatment, natural reflection, clear and full contours of the bottom teeth, full of elasticity, shock absorption and pressure.

Number: 35-39,
Color: 3 colors,

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